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6 Steps to Back Up Your Backup Caregiver!

Nobody can look after your child quite like you can. But let's face it, emergencies happen! So, in the event of an unexpected crisis, do you have a plan in place for someone to step in and provide care for your beloved child?

Craft a sense of calm and security for your loved one using this handy checklist!

Don't count on having ample time to prepare for an emergency!

Be ready to embrace any support from those willing and able to lend you a helping hand!

In the spring of 2013, my father-in-law passed away, and our family rushed to be with him in his final moments. This happened just a year after my son's diagnosis, and I hadn't prepared anyone to assist me in caring for him during an emergency. Faced with a difficult choice, I naturally prioritized my son, but I never wanted anyone else to face such a dilemma. I'm immensely grateful that we didn't encounter an emergency situation where someone would have to guess how to care for my son!

Since 2013, I've maintained a Backup Caregiver Plan with a few simple steps, ensuring a well-prepared substitute is ready to step in if needed. Parenting a child with disabilities or complex medical needs doesn't come with a manual. Still, we can certainly create one for those who support us!

Discover 6 "Doable" Ways To Prepare Your Backup Caregiver Now!

By Disability Mom, Advocate, Author, and Podcaster of
Take Heart Special Moms

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